Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Agatha SpakleHorn

The Snoutless Unicorn Organization has just confirmed that the Snoutless Unicorn in this photograph snapped by a spy to be Agatha Sparklehorn. Agatha now lives with the mysterious Beth Hasset, who seems to always be related in some way to Snoutless Unicorns. Agatha of course shrunk a few sizes when she magically transported to Beth Hasset through the Snoutless Unicorn portal.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Anatomy of a snout-less unicorn.

Snout-less unicorn anatomy


Painting on wall.
The The Snout-Less Unicorn Species was invented by mistake when Beth Hasset, Nanny of Sam Baskin, painted this picture (right) of two unicorns on his bedroom wall.  When Sam got back from camp he noticed that the unicorns didn't have snouts.
Sam decided to show the picture to his mad scientist friend, Dr. Exhavian. He decided to create this species by mixing the DNA of a horse, narwhale, and a snout with an X over it. Thus, the Snout-less unicorn was born. Dr. Exhavian let his Snout-less creatures frolic in a field of sugar water and rainbows. A spy once snuck into the frolicing fields, and snapped a photo of a snout-less unicorn bathing in a sugar water lake. People starting asking the Doctor about snout-less unicorns, so he paid his grandson $20 to make
this blog.
Picture taken by spy.